• Augusta Georgia Land Bank

Augusta Land Bank Authority

The Augusta, Georgia Land Bank Authority (AGLBA), established in 1996, is a public entity dedicated to revitalizing Augusta’s neighborhoods by acquiring tax-delinquent and abandoned properties and returning them to productive use. Acting on behalf of Augusta-Richmond County, the AGLBA encourages private investment in blighted areas of the community or areas with a demonstrated need for economic development. Committed to helping Augusta realize its full potential, the work of the AGLBA and its partners assures that the execution of land use redevelopment results in increased revenues to the City of Augusta, responsible and sustainable growth of Augusta that elevates all neighborhoods, focused development that strives to provide a safe, enjoyable, and vibrant living wage housing opportunities to Augusta residents, and newfound or redefined quality of life opportunities for all residents, businesses, and visitors of the county at large.

One of our primary objectives is to acquire properties that are delinquent in their taxes or have been abandoned. We do this using legal means and work with the city and private owners to transfer ownership to us. Once we have acquired a property, we begin the process of preparing it for productive use. Our ultimate goal is to Identify, Improve, Reactivate and Redistribute vacant, abandoned, and dilapidated properties for housing, economic and civic purposes.

To achieve our mission, we work collaboratively with local residents, private investors, community organizations, and government agencies. We believe that by working together, we can create a more vibrant and sustainable community.

See our Gallery & Presentations

Special Programs

Identify, Improve, Reactivate and Redistribute vacant, abandoned, and dilapidated properties for housing, economic and civic purposes.

Blight Remediation

Neighborhood blight and the presence of vacant and abandoned properties have profound negative impacts on afflicted communities of all types – rural, urban, and suburban.

Tax Abatement

The growth, sustainability, and diversity of a regional economy and the adaptability and competitiveness of its workforce are critical goals to accomplish long-term prosperity.

Living Wage Housing

To remedy the high cost of vacant, abandoned and dilapidated structures on the values of neighborhood properties, specifically those in historically disinvested and economically depressed communities.